Pernah tak satu ketikanya terlampau banyak peristiwa,
Hingga kau tak tahu yang mana harus diperkata,
Lantas kau pilih untuk berdiam sahaja.
Saat ini sepertinya dalam ruang lingkup itu aku berada.
Sunyi.sepi.aku pilih untuk tak berbicara.
Walau ganas sekali pusaran di minda.
Walau dahsyat sekali henyakan di jiwa.
Aku biarkan saja.
To whom it may concern,
Sorry.I'm not your family.Hence I don't have the right to tell.
Sorry,I'm your friend.Thus I don't have the right to spill lies.
I was there.Listening.Pretending.
And trust me.It didn't feel right.
How I wished I could just flight.
While my only plea,
Is for you
To be strong.And wise.
To the love birds,
Please please hold on to what you guys have promised,
Please please chase away your egos,
Please please get rid of that insecurities,
Please please taking this seriously
It's a matter of heart people.
Ask him to stay,tell him you won't leave
Tell her she's the best,ask her to stay.
Thank you Allah for all the guidances.
I know you will never let me down.
ni yg phew lagi ni.phew~
kadg2 hidup ni susah sgt smpai rs nk tamat kn just like that.
kadg2 deep silence would treat the pain that killing us so much.
pesanan penaja, selamat study~
aku merancang dengan penuh semangat
nak kuar enjoy ahad ni
tapi tak jadi
yg psl lovebirds 2 mmg aku x stuju ok.d guy mmg jerk.dia yg x gt over ko,pastuh nk expect awek dia jd cm ko.n then ko plak spend berjam2 kt tepon bg advice kt d girl,abeskn crdt tepon n pjuk d jerk n bila setel sumer,ko gtau aku ape ko dpt?letih,tdo,x stdy.
at sum poin aku lega ko pilih abb over dat jerk dlu,at least abb ko tuh jd jerk kendian hari,yg mmt nih dr dlu lg kot aku rs,x ubah2.
dh r weyh,brenti r jadik baik.ko asik ltk org len ats ko.evn yg ko br knal skejap pun.pk psl diri ko dlu,n exam nih.
liku hidup num.baek hadap dari lari. tol ak?
sekian, dua posen aku.
muni2:lets phewwww together.and pls put smile on his face.i know you can do it easily =)
lela:asal syg oi?exam susah ka?smpi trus cncel nk berjln2?
MR:hoi hoi hoi..nih maharaja umah no bape ni?tq dear.i appreciate your concern.but as you know me,i can think about myself more.but not myself first.ko pun tau aq,keras kt luar je,dlm leleh mcm BR =p
dehaq:aq memilih utk berhadapan tp diam.sometimes,silence make the best weapon kan.
We can't force if it's matter of heart.
Love and to be loved are two different things Anum.
It's not like you be mine and I'll be yours.
But, life is what we least expected. And life should go on even it's hard for us to make a move. But we should.
Aku slalu je pilih utk berdiam dri je ble something bad happen to me.
Becoz aku pk klo aku bitau satu dunia pun, I would still feel bad.
So wuts the point kan?
Diam saja lah... tapi maw gile jugak dibuatnye!
raja:tepat dan tepat!terus melangkah walaupun payah.and i think i should really consider your idea this morning.haha!you take care please=)
ms.independant:a'ah a'ah.kdg2,besties pun dh x tau nk ckp ape.n kita pun dh x lrt nk susahkan diorg.pendam sorg2!nasib bek ada blog!huhu!
cikepal:wajiblah =)
Glad. Life is what we have. Enjoy and appreciate every little of it. As a simple one make the life more sweeter.
Sometime, it feel like you want to talk to a stranger and let it out everything.
like having this blog,i "talked" but i dont know to whom i talk to. [except those yg tgglkan komen nih r] which is sort of relieving some time.
aq ckp sgt byk ok,sape leh tahan?my bro pun boleh give up eventually.haha!
HE knows what the best for his servant Anum. Even kita deny it so much, at the end of road taken. We realize that HE is right.
And sometimes, we realize we want badly to go to the place where there's only us and God.
I miss to be one of the bird..
raja:bgnlah sepertiga mlm,bukak tikar semayang.saat tu,hanya kau dan Dia=))
eny:aish..yg tuh gak dia mahu.haha!
tp sbb kite diam la org pijak kple kn..
a'ah..sgtlah.dkt soksek dlu byk kali kot. tp skang bestnya,ada angels yg tlg back-up gak.haha!
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