Lets start zipping!
More zipping
Finally...I got myself a pencil case =)))) All this while,I've been walking around the ward and sitting in the class with only 2 pens. (*-*)wink
Ok,this is lame,I know!
Actually, I just want to write Hello people,I'm still here,and breathing =)
okay, itu cool. nak satu!
wow. ada jual kat msia ek?
apa kata hari jadi i u kasi satu norfa haha
ahha terbaik r sis! cantik2 (^_^)
dekat malaysia adalah. I dont know where, but my friend use them before. It was last year :)
anyway, benda nih memang cool. first time tengok pun teruja dan dok pi bukak tutup pencil case dia. tak pa, amoi tu tak marah. hehe
ops, one more...
i know you are still alive.
how should i know that?
cause i can 'smell' your smile here sis :)
jadi doktor kena banyak senyum tau. smile can cool you down. trust me. at least, if I am gone, you will remember me for my words rite.
senk,awk tahu big bazaar kt mane kan?=p
amanina,dulu kat msia pnah pki skalik.but that one yg dah siap punya n zip dia ada setiap baris.huhu!lain r sket.tp fungsi seharusnya masih sama =)))
naz,ok kasik tau besday u bila.weee~eyh cop,i pnah wat entry khas kan psl besday u.nnt i check balik =)))) oh besday i 3 ogos..[tiba2 je org x tnya pun kan]
nabilla nasir,thanks!=)
AJ,aq seriously x pnah jmpa yg cmnih kt msia.like i said abobe,yg kat msia tuh lain.cop,asal aq penuh smngat support india plak nih?hahaha!amoi mane lak ko ngorat nih AJ..wuuuuuu~~
SMILE =))))) itupun sbb lara cakap "you have a gorgeous smile".kalo x jgn haraplah aq nk senyum.muahahaha!baik,pesanan anda akan aq igt selalu.tp boleh tak jgn ckp psl mati dah.ye,mmg mati itu pasti.sebab itu hidup harus diisi.kelak nanti,dua2 kita nikmati,insyaAlllah=)
huh.. rasa lama tak lawat orang bangalore ni.. btw sapa kate post ni lame??? coool lar.. hehehe...
mangalore la org jogja oiiii.
siapa kata?sy kata!
eh.. saya salah type tu.. maap2.. *cover-cover* mmg sll confuse banga n manga.. haha.. sorry ye...
takde2 dia tak lame pon, dia sangat cool :P
hehe..thanks neo.long time no see=)))
eleyh..cmnih r izyan..
hahahha bwt suspen jeee mula2. wawa
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