That is how I grow up. So excuse me when I'm too loud in the crowd.You may live whatever way you want. But to me,I chose "JUJUR+JELAS+SEDIKIT JENAKA".
And last night when I was talking to him on the phone while preparing the official letter to Dean Office regarding our event today,Malam Untuk Gaza [A Night and A Hope for Gaza], Ayah said this..
"Tulislah pasal Gaza.Guna bahasa kamu.Pemahaman kamu."
Maaf Ayah, bukan Anum tak tulis lagi. Ada je berkajang-kajang. Cuma anum tak nak tekan butang "publish" je. From what Ayah told me,the protest in Malaysia is an assemble of SatuMalaysia.Alhamdulillah.Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya pada yang berkenaan.
I started peeping onto this Gaza thingy since I was 15. And it has always been my field of interest. Back then,my opinion stood on the basis of human rights. A massacre violation of human rights has been happening there and world tend to be blind about it.
I remember talking to a friend from religion C and he told me something like
"you know why Jews and Muslims fight against each other today? It is to show that we [referring to he and his religion] are the chosen people. We will live in peace,under God's blessing until this world end. We have been an obedient servant to God since centuries, very obedient even after our prophet got crucified. These are all told in the Holy ....,we are the chosen people of the Almighty God
Hurm..I wished he knew that Jews and Zionist are oen but not the same. There are Jews in Zionist but every Jews isn't necessarily a Zionist.Enough said.
I met another friend of religion C but of different "mazhab" and she told me
"Anum,yang I percaya is kita semua sembah tuhan yang sama. Allah. Just that I ikut prophet lain,U ikut prophet lain. So cara kita sembah Allah beza-bezalah. If you see thoroughly,agama kita kasi buat,larang buat benda yang sama jugak. Ada syurga neraka semua. CDalam agama U ada yang alim-alim,ada yang ikut biasa-biasa, ada yang memang sikit-sikit ikut.Sama je macam agama I"
Realizing that I didn't have that much of knowledge to argue, all I do was listen to them. Habis kuat aku cakap "there's a verse in Quran sayings - pada kamu,agama kamu. Pada aku,agama aku. I respect your belief but my belief is still my belief"
Oh wait, I think I went slightly off the topic.
Talking about Gaza again,I do admit myself that India has opened my eyes and "matahati" in so many ways. I've learnt many new things. Alhamdulillah. I still reading conspiracy theories, hopping from one blog to the other blog and analyze them one by my one from my point of view. There are lots of them. "The Arrivals" on YouTube is just one from stacks of hundreds. And I begin to agree that there is religion agenda beneath all these. And Nauzubillah, they have planned these all meticulously for so many years.
But I humbly tell you that I'm not the right person to talk about it. Not that I want to keep it to myself, just that I still don't trust myself.Yes, I don't trust myself.
Aku takut ditebak rasa riak nanti.Sebab aku dah nampak sekeliling aku banyak yang macam tu. SANGAT.BANYAK.SANGAT.JENGKEL.SANGAT.KASIHAN.Kayaknya mereka terlupa yang ilmu itu nikmat, Islam itu sendiri nikmat teragung. Dan setiap nikmat itu adalah ujian untuk menguji keimanan. [oh sudah jadi emosi pula]Tapi Alhamdulillah, sebab masih punya teman perkongsian idea dan bicara.Sahabat-sahabat yang bukan alim,dan tidak juga menjadi hakim.
So...sorry lah Ayah.Kalau Ayah nak,malam ini juga Anum terangkan.HUHU!Eyh tapi,malam ini ada event Gaza tu.(^-^)v
Hingga ke detik ini, aku masih percaya seluruh dunia perlu bersatu. Ini bukan soal agama[semata-mata], ini penghinaan pada ketamadunan dan kecelikan akal manusia.
And to all Muslims,asahlah "pedang malam" kita,biar bait-bait doa subur saat musuh nyenyak tidur. Percayalah yang Allah bersama-sama kita. Allah tidak akan rugi jika kita takbur. Sebaliknya, kekuatan kita yang akan hancur. Dan dalam nerakalah kita melebur.
Memetik update terakhir Twitter seorang aktivis flotilla kebebasan sebelum Mavi Marmara diserang "KEPADA ALLAH KAMI BERHARAP,KERANA KAMI TIDAK PUNYAI KEKUATAN KECUALI ITU"
Anum, excited. cerita la lagiii... macam bed time story tu tp versi gaza. urm, boleh pulak?
weeee~~~x nak r nnt kna blacklist ke ape ke..nnt aq bg link blog tuh kt ym.eyh tapi,abeskan exam ko tuh dlu ok.nnt kalo ko dh start baca,ko ada potensi nak kemaruk.mcm aq.
anum u hebat. i rasa u hebat. so u bukan hati batu. maybe keluli kot hahaha nah u kebal dengan ilmu itu yang buat i kagum. wa caya sama lu. tapi lu jangan caya sama gua haha ISYAALLAH kita akan menang AMIN:)
passport malaysia ialah passport yang paling berani di dunia..
love this one anum! well done!
aku xpenah ada passport
p/s : Join Contest Jom. Hadiah Barang Kemas Dari Sabah Beb
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