Thursday, October 29, 2009

< 141 > A.D.A.M


When I was 5,I was taught that Adam is the first prophet and he has a wife named Hawa.They both are the first human to live on Earth and that we are all their descendants.I have been storing their stories in my mind ever since and insyaAllah,I'll be able to tell it from time to time.

When I was 9,I went to "sekolah agama"  where I was further told by ustazah that Adam & Hawa has 2 sons named Habil & Qabil. Cutting it short, Habil baik, Qabil jahat! That's what my mind stored,even till this age.

At the age of 12,I started to read romance novels where the hero always be named as Adam or maybe Haris or Syafiq or Iskandar.HAHA!And I can tell you the whole stories when you're still struggling to finish reading the last word of this sentence.Perghhh!!but seriously,do you want to know the page numbers for "sweet moments" between Syafiq and Afiqah in Pergilah Sepi novel by Fauziah Ashaari?Ok,pervert me =p

Same goes when I started reading RAM,Ramlee Awang Murshid's pieces of work at the age of 16.There's one of his novel entitled A.D.A.M = AkuDarahAnakMalaysia where I personally pick as his masterpiece. I do remember most of the dialogues in it!And even the sentence "dan siasatan konspirasi kemalangan itu telah membawa Hilman hingga ke pintu White House,dan dia tidak sekali-kali terhenti di depan pintu itu" .HAHAHAHAHAHA!That's actually the synopsis of the book written on its back page!

yeah..I do read Malay novels.salah?

At the age of 20,here I am.Facing my Pathology sweetheart and her new stories of ADAM.

Pathology says A.D.A.M is a mnemonic for the life threatening complications of shock





Further elaboration.

ARDS stands for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

                whilst DIC for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

                                 ARF represents Acute Renal Failure

                                             and MODS for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

I don't know why this time it becomes so hard for me to remember this ADAM. And it makes me even more confused when the lecturers keep saying "you have to remember this by heart".Maybe I should no longer use my brain.Yeah,lets use our heart to memorize next time,even  though the last time I checked my Physiology and Anatomy textbooks, learning centre is still located in the brain. But who knows,the sulcus terminalis present on heart might be having something to do with memory & learning! [Sulcus or plurally named as sulci, refers to foldings present in the brain and between 2 sulci,lies a smooth area called as gyrus,which both are distinctive features of human brain.Sulcus terminalis is a characterised groove on the exterior surface of heart and has nothing to do with those sulci on the brain.Understand?Ouch,you don't have to]

the human brain

-Don't be such a fool. The lecturer doesn't mean it like that. That is,according to what they say, the beauty of English language. It's sort of telling "awak kena memahami dengan seluruh jiwa raga.bukan main hafal je". Whatever!!-

Anyway, I've had enough creepy crappy stuff offered by my MBBS. That's the reason why I,as much as possible try to minimize the usage of abbreviations, short forms *etc. in my writings here although some of you find it's so "not cool" to write this way.I have to admit that I do write shortform in some comments or SMS but as I said,I'm trying as much as I could to minimize it.Kampong?Like I care. Ngerti kamu? During my first year here,when I started to mingle with my UK-based,Australia-based,US-based Indian friends,they actually find it's difficult to read some of the short form words [if they can be called words] I text in SMS! What has happened to us?Trying to be "lebih Inggeris daripada orang Inggeris"? TEEETTTT!

P/S:one more A.D.A.M...Adam from NurKasih *melted heart* (^-^) can't wait for new episode tomorrow!

*etc. is a Latin word which stands for et cetera which means "the rest of such things".It is commonly used by some students in an attempt to impress their lecturers as if they have more nouns running in their heads when they actually knows nothing than none.*dush3!*

I'm so sorry for this entry had lost its focus somewhere in the middle[just like my other entries before which I didn't bother to say sorry.HUHUHU!

Monday, October 26, 2009

< 140 > Lemas


Pantai Baga,Goa,India

Aku mendasari ertikata kemodenan saat di kiri aku,mat salleh enak membiarkan kulit disiat bahang mentari, di kanan aku adik-adik menjinjing hasil kraftangan mencari pembeli,di depan aku ombak terus menerkam pantai sebab dalam diarinya tiada istilah cuti Diwali,di belakang aku bir-bir berbaris cantik dengan slogan murah-gila-rugi-kalau-tak-beli,di bawah aku ada pasir yang terus-terusan dilanyak manusia setiap hari,di atas aku ada Dia yang Maha Mengetahui,itu saja yang tak pernah berubah sejak azali.............

Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden",
Sebab aku tak layan cerita sains fiksyen,
Mahu hanya komedi,cinta dan fakta
Tempatan sebolehnya yang utama,
Mereka yang moden kata,
Komedi ala-ala slapstik,
Cinta semua plastik,
Fakta sangat linguistik,
Tempatan?lagilah mereka jijik!
Aku yang tak moden kata,
Komedi bikin jasad lapang
Cinta buat jiwa menang
Fakta bagi minda terang
Tempatan itu kita jugalah,hai sayang...
[moden=harus canggih,haram meleleh,wajib orang puteh?]

Pasaraya Matahari,Bandung
Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden,"
Sebab first time naik LRT aku salah stesen,
Pedulilah,aku yang keluarkan setiap sen
Reunion dekat Midvalley mereka tanya kenapa lambat?
Jujur punya cakap, aku sesat,
"So,U pergi tanya pak guard?"
"Tak,kan ke ada peta setiap tingkat?"
Padan muka,kenalah gelak kuat-kuat,
Musim raya pi Jalan TAR,baju semua murah tak ingat,
Mereka kata ronda situ mereka tak hebat,
Aku yang tak moden dimohon khidmat,
Masuk 2 3 kedai buru-buru acu-acu baju-baju kalau-kalau muat,
"Kantoilah kalau orang nampak I ni,kita kena shopping cepat-cepat"
"tak tahan macam ni,serabut,sesak,tengoklah muka I pun dah berkilat"
Sesiapa yang lalu pantas dilihat,
Mulut pula cakap tak pernahnya cermat,
"Ewwww..asal that girl pakai kampung sangat?"
[moden=tak boleh salah,tak pernah murah,tak mahu kalah,tak ambil kisah?]

Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden"
Sebab aku uarkan baju kurung pun fesyen,
Tak akan cacatkan sebarang profession,
"No way..pakai macam ni nanti I nampak macam baik"
[Habis,takkan nak dilihat macam taik?]
Jalan lima langkah tak ada siapa layan aku berceloteh,
Lantas ke belakang aku toleh,
Zaki[baca:Zack] tengah betulkan seluar yang sedikit terlondeh
Azura[baca:Xora]sibuk rapikan rambut yang sedikit teralih
Milah[baca:Mel]mengeluh benci pada high heels yang tersalah pilih
Aku perhatikan saja....sambil tersengih! 
 [moden=ketat,singkat,karat,naik meluat?]

Lobo Prabhu Court,Mangalore,Karnataka,India

Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden"
Sebab aku tak pernah pergi-hilangkan-tension
Bila orang ajak,aku kata nak pergi tuisyen[gila nerd!]
Mulalah mereka ulang-ulangkan "come on bebeh,
U tak payahlah study lebih-lebih"
Macam-macam songeh,
Seorang,seorang aku rasa nak sekeh,
Tak apalah,hidup kita,arahnya sendiri yang pilih,
Dari aku terkinja-kinja,
Baik aku buat yoga,
Sebab itu yang aku suka,
Dari aku layan MP3,
Baik aku tulis puisi
Sebab itu yang buat aku happy
Aku gembira kau gembira,
Tapi kau tak habis nak mengata
Pasai pa????
[moden:sentiasa sibuk,asyik mabuk,suka kutuk,jadi beruk?]

Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden"
Sebab aku tak ada modal nak eksyen
Aku nak pekena nasi lemak,but we all nak minum Starbucks!
Gelakkan aku punya BATA, sebab mereka sarung ROXY,
Bila aku kelek GUCCI, mereka kata design itu dah basi,
"I minta kat my mom"
"I suruh boyfriend belanja"
"Ni kakak I yang punya"
"Oh,mama aku tak kaya,boyfriend pun tiada,kakak pula saiz tak sama,jadi aku beli pakai duit biasiswa"
[moden=putih bersih,licin habis,terkenal,terkini,"terbeli?"]

fokus kita kali ini ialah perkataan Starbucks itu ye

Mereka bilang "U ni tak moden"
Sebab aku tak target duit berbillion
Sampai pencen nak dipayung government
Mereka yang moden pun bukak mulut
Dah belajar sampai ke seberang laut,
Kenapa otak U,U letak kat lutut?
Aaahhhhhh...debatkan topik ini yang aku culas,
Fikir duit saja,apa kau tak rimas?
Fikir diri saja,pergilah duduk angkasa lepas,
Fikir dunia saja,memanglah takkan pernah puas
Kayuhan global makin deras,
Tolonglah...jangan lemas!!!!
[moden=duit berjuta,kerja swasta,kereta melata,ada yang menderita?]

Aku dah lemas sebelum sempat ke dasar sebuah kemodenan.Biarlah...Aku hanya mahu hidup dalam lingkungan aman. Mati nanti dalam pelukan iman [yang sedang digugah oleh aksi mat salleh sebelah.TEEEEETTT!!!]

Baga Beach,Goa,India 

p/s: tetap nak balik Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!
p/s 2:teringatkan cucu Mak Ngah Dah,si Farisha,opppssss! maaf,Paris! 

oh,rindukan pentas..[dan kamu,si pemuisi dinihari]

Saturday, October 24, 2009

< 139 > Mama oh Mama


Niat sebenar....tak ada apa-apa niatpun sebenarnya.

Oh,tak.Mungkin sedikitlah nak encik Atase Pendidikan baca.[Atase Pendidikan JPA di India memang super duper cool dude]
Tapi,itu sikit sahaja.

Oh, tahu Mama Ayah Acu sepupu semua baca.
Tapi,masa tulis memang tak teringat apa-apa.
Sebab itu sekadar nota kaki suka-suka.

Dah balik kuliah petang tadi,pergilah capai phone yang entah kat mana-mana. *cari cari cari*
Ada panggilan suara tak dijawab.Ada SMS tak dibaca.

Malas-malasan kotak mesej pun dibuka.
Mesej awal pagi dari Shuhaiza.[sorry,aku tak bawak phone pergi hospital]
Satu dari AirTel promosi produk,macam biasa.
Yang satu lagi buat aku menangis dalam tawa.

Nombor telefon aku pelangikan,sengaja. [siapa tahu,indigo itu apa rupa?]
Takut nanti ada pula minta jadi mak mertua.
MTCN pun aku padamkan nombor awalannya.
Manusia sekarang ni,tak ramai yang boleh percaya.
Tapi kalau kau handal kira-kira.
Aku ucapkan selamat berjaya.
Nanti aku lawat kau di penjara.

*kepada yang masih tidak faham,anda hanya perlu membaca ayat terakhir di entry < 138 >*

Ma,duit Anum ada lagilah.Tapi kan Ayah selalu kata,"dari dok beli top-up baiklah beli makanan sayang oi". Semangat belanjawan2010.TEEEEETTTTT!!!

Apa-apa pun,thanks ye ma!Sayang mama!

< 137b > Gua to Goa


We started the second day in Goa with a brisk walking on the beach. No,above aren't the picture we took at the beach.[Cool sangatlah Goa kalau beach dia ada bunga segala bagai,dan juga tanda salib itu ye!] but some bimbo moments that were captured to kill time while waiting for mereka yang bangun lambat!!!kantoi!sorry girls!

I guess Dian will be the main subject for this entry.Wait okay.I'll prove to you that my housemate is one super lunatic bimbo.

Announcing the arrival of rombongan meminang.Cool gila semua perempuan!!
Aksi yang pertama  tu tak taulah sama ada sebab tengok minah salleh-ah tu lagi hot dari aku ataupun aku dah lapar tahap nak makan helikopter dah.*dush3*.Suka buat lawak tak jadi kan?

Below will be the photos "ini-bakal-mak-mertua-tengok-confirm-reject"

Shit,Dian suddenly appeared so sane in all pics.a.k.a mak mertua tengok sejuk hati

Brut!!!lu memang bimbo r..welcome to the club=)

And here....jeng3!Dian's wall of bimbotic act!

and the must-have-picture

Up next:the most exciting and thrilling moments =)
Sorry,this entry appears more like photoblog already.Have to prioritise the exam!!! *ececece*


Friday, October 23, 2009

<138 > O,my perfect guy


In my life,there’s one guy
Who always makes me smile,even we are distanced thousand miles
He is soft at heart,nonetheless he’s so smart!
He is so tall,yet never fail to catch me when I fall
I know he’s strong,joyfully laughing when I’m wrong
I seek him for good advice,all about him are so nice

And that guy is a perfect guy

O,my perfect guy,no one is mad,
O,my perfect guy,it’s okay to be sad,
O,my perfect guy,it hurts me when you cry,
O,my perfect guy,if only I can fly............

As orang alim said..”semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya,rezeki ini belum untuk kamu”
As orang biasa said.. “hidup ada jatuh bangunnya,sebab putarannya macam roda”
Like Ayah always said, “Kita duduk kat khatulistiwa,kadang hujan,kadang panas”
As I used to text you “Apa-apapun,Along tetap kebanggaan Anum” [yeah,keep on saying it’s poyo,but I really mean it,bro]

Ingat tak cerita Full House yang kita tengok sama-sama before Anum fly dulu?Along kan suka bila awek tu cakap "aja!aja!fighting!!!!"

teruskan berjuang,memang susah tapi itu bukan masalah!kitorang semua percaya Along boleh!Dr.Victor pun takkan marahlah!!hahahha!YEZZZA!!!bagus,dah start senyum sikit kan???
sekian,sayang banyak-banyak dari adik Along yang manja,ngada-ngada,suka cakap "nak peluk!!",sikit-sikit nak nangis lepas tu asyik claim pandai masak.MMUAAAHHHHHH!!!

elaun bila nak masuk ni weh???nak recharge kredit phone pun dah tak mampu!

< 137a > Gua to Goa

Sorry for the late updates about my holiday in Goa.To those who loyally begging for pictures,here they are!

It took us 10 hours of roller-coaster ride [and urinary retention] to reach there.An overnight journey on TT[stands for Tempo Traveller not Toink!Toink =p] was such a thrill you should never missed out in India.We had a movie marathon all the way!

Reached Calangute Beach around 11am and spending another 1 hour looking for the best deal hotel to stay in.Bla bla bla..Too many incidents happened but the best highlight should definitely be Hawa's reaction towards a Rotweiller [and many more bulldogs].HAHAHAAHA!Sorry Hawa,you've gotten my big laughs instead of a sympathy!

Fast-forwarding the story which seems to bore you people already(^-^),we check-in into the hotel,had a reasonable nap and TADDAAAAA!ready for a tired less hunt!

enough with all the shopping [for that day],we enthusiastically headed to the beach. Were planning to see the sunset together.Owh,so romantic right,us?Yes,we are!but we are all straight ladies [with flawless curve.WTH?]
So,here are some [too many] pictures.Please don't puke if you see the same entity over and over again,even in different pictures.Beaches just so cool and seductive,she just can't do nothing than to pout and pose! Yeah I know,it's so an irrelevant excuse.TOINK!

pout pout pout..hugs and more hugs...smiles and keep smiling!!!

with Shu [Hawa sibuk!!]
with An [Rozek sibuk!!]

I always feel pampered by them, maybe due to the fact that I'm the youngest among all. But hey,the trip was wholly my idea!!!

love making sessions!!! eyhhh??? ROFL!

and we had dinner at a Pure Veg restaurant [Rozek's favourite] that night.
Nak cari Halal's food sangat susah!

Why so serious???? Lapar tahap moksya la ngok!!

notes and pictures of the successive days,soon!
[don't ask me why]