Monday, May 31, 2010

Post-Exam Syndrome

I know I should post something here since I'm so done with my exam last Saturday. But too bad, I'm so enjoying this post-exam syndrome.

Like, watching movies. Reading novels. Shopping. Gossipping. Eat and eat and eat. KEMAS BILIK YANG MACAM TONGKANG PECAH!

And last night finally, the gathering of super sengal people.They are like my clowns,my teachers,my brothers,my motivators,my seniors,my friends =) Oh,me love!
No photos to be displayed la pulak.Sorrryyyy. But ABD, ABK, ABG - korang super duper best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh oh oh.5th semester will begin tomorrow. Am I ready? I don't know. But looking forward for surgery posting. I think I kinda like it,suddenly =)

And as new season comes, new spirit should gather, new inspirations should come. Forget about what had happened last semester. Past is past. Brighter days are yet to come.

This morning I had to go for shooting. WALLLAWEYHHH! Looks like the college is making one advertisement promoting KMC as an international medical college. Well, since I got that international face [hahahahha!] they called me up. Naahh,screw that thoughts. It's just because they have been seeing my face quite a number of time getting involved with stuff around the college. I acted, I sang, I ran, I played and I made circle of friends and I established networks. seems like when it comes to international students, I'm the best candidate lahhhh kan? HAHAHAHA!Perasan angkat bakul!Yvonne,the Chinese super hottie from Malaysia and Devota,a Tanzanian girl were there as well. It was fun [read:funny] nonetheless.

I bumped into Sir Vishwas,Microbiology lecturer cum my badminton coach on my way back after shooting. He started asking about last week incident. Quick info- I cried in the practical hall. BREAKDOWN..toink!I didn't manage to focus the second slide on the microscope.It was so stressful that tears started falling down like London Bridge.

"I saw that happened before. When exam tense is there, you got blackout. Next time if it happens, you just call me, I'll help. Definitely I'll help.I'm here,no? Vishwas is here!!Okay child?No need to worry"
He said that,keeping one of his hand on my head.[Like give his blessings whatsoever]

It was the first time I let people do such thing. You know what, I have this immediate vigorous reflex act whenever people start to do any form of contact with my head. It is like the most protected region of my body, apart from.. you know what. LOL.But he made me feel so calm just now. And seeing him saying "I'm here. Vishwas is here!" was the hillarious part, anyway.

Enough ramblings for this time. Toodles!!!!

And 5th sem, I'm ready. JUST BRING IT ON!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Better a little fire that warms, than a big one that burns..

Found this printed on Forensic Medicine textbook..The only book that I read each and every single sentence meticulously.

But it seriously makes my heart ponder on something.errr...LOVE?

So you know why I prefer the word love sparks?It's the spark that ignite the fire. Slowly but surely..hurmmmm.

Hurmmmm...ape ko merepek nih labu?

I think I have lost touch writing on lovey-dovey thingy. What to do,boyfriend I dah la warna pink,hidup tak hidup pun I yang control. Tapi bila berpisah seminggu masa dia duduk dengan ABD,I rasa I dah mula reti untuk...

MERINDU...*LAGU BACKGROUND:rindu2 aduh sayang merindu*

Teeeetttt!apa kejadah bercinta dengan laptop?Anak siapakah ini???? *gaya Wan Kamaruddin Edisi Siasat*

sari berita penting:Takziah dan Al-Fatihah untuk mangsa kemalangan pesawat AirIndia yang terbabas dari landasan pendaratan pukul 6 pagi semalam. 158 orang terkorban. 8 yang terselamat adalah mereka yang terjatuh ataupun yang nekad terjun masa pesawat terbelah dua. Teringat perkara pertama yang Dr.Victor cakap waktu aku bagitahu aku dapat KMC,Mangalore.."The airport is high,very high,like a table-top. One mistake,you straight go down into the forest"....

sari berita tak penting:Jadi,sebab trauma,tunggu Disember je la aku balik,ya Malaysia. wuuuuuuuuu~~~~ Ayah bukannya bagi pun...Tengoklah jadual aku kat bawah,mana ada cuti. Hampeh punya kolej. Dia ingat aku supersaiya ke? Aku nak bersenang-lenang atas houseboat kat Kerala pun tak dapat. Dah 6 bulan tak bersiar-siar. Boleh gila.Nampak gayanya habis exam nak serang Penambur Beach lah. Tempe kata itu pantai paling lawa kat India...

p/s:agak-agak kan,kalau aku jadi pembaca berita, macam siapa ek? wuuuuu~~~tiba-tiba bercita-cita nak masuk Malaysian Top Host.LOL

ini Mudeshwar Beach..selamba tempe kata pantai ni lawa. Apa dia ingat aku ni Pingu. Dia tak menipu,aku tahu. Tapi dia bagi aku harapan palsu.Cis,bedebah!Ke kau yang belum cukup into India,Faridah?Tempe memang begitu...biasalah!


17/5 Pathology
18/5 Microbiology
19/5 Pharmacology
20/5 Forensic Medicine
21/5 Surgery
22/5 Medicine

6 hari berterusan menghadap kertas soalan. Ada satu lagi Isnin ini. Ingat macam nak lepak saja. Sebab subjek Community Medicine buat masa ini memang tak penting. Tapi Ayah cakap, "KALAU TAK PENTING,TAK ADANYA DIBUAT EXAM FARIDAH OI"

Baiklah! toink!

Habis kertas teori, Selasa pula akan mula ujian praktikal dan makmal sampailah Sabtu nanti.

Ahad cuti.

Isnin dah naik semester baru.

Bosan kan?Macam dah tak ada motivasi nak berjuang...Tengoklah apa aku tulis.HAISH.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

< 197 > Sarcasm in Me

Sejujurnya aku cakap, aku bukanlah seorang yang panas baran. Oh,tak setuju? Tak apa. Sebab kau tak kenal aku sebanyak yang aku kenal diri aku. Tapi aku sangat cepat rasa jengkel. Atau bahasa kita-kita sekarang ini, "ANNOYING". Oh,manifestasi tahap kejengkelan saya itu dapat dilihat pada refleks air muka yang boleh bikin Mama marah di tempat kejadian ataupun mengundang rasa nak tampar di hati kalian.LOL!Selalunya, manifestasi riak wajah ini berlaku pada situasi dengan rakan-rakan dan kenalan rapat bilamana aku pilih nak pendam saja rasa-rasa yang tak best.

Ada bagusnya begitu. Sebab percayalah, kau mungkin akan rasa macam nak hempuk kepala kat dinding kalau aku manifestasikan kejengkelan aku dengan kata-kata berbaur sinis. Atau bahasa kita-kita sekarang ini, "SARCASTIC". Dan selalunya aku gunakan cara ini bilamana berdepan dengan situasi "You need a lesson,dude!"

Ceritanya, begini. Tengah hari tadi,yakni usai saja posting Pulmonary Medicine dekat Attavar, aku terus membuat kunjungan kali kedua ke SPAR. Ya,aku tahu bunyi macam tak logik sebab rumah aku dengan hypermarket tu jaraknya hanyalah laksana [apakah?] 3 gerabak tren komuter. Tapi itulah..tiada yang benar melainkan yang benar belaka. Baru 2 kali aku pergi.Sekian.

Al-kisahnya,masa pemergian kali pertama dulu,aku tak tahulah yang sebenarnya aku boleh men"swap"kan kad keahlian InnerCircle [ala-ala kad Bonuslink] yang aku perolehi dari Lifestyle [ala-ala Jusco] dekat SPAR ni. Tak ada benda pun, sekadar nak kutip poin. Dulu kat TESCO aku selalu bising sebab Ayah banyak sangat kad dekat kaunter. Tapi kat sini macam seronok pula. Bukan apa,seronok nak susun kad dalam dompet je. HAHAHAHA!

Balik pada cerita pemergian aku kali pertama itu. Cashier cakap disebabkan jumlah belian aku melebihi XXXXX, aku layak untuk dapat keahlian percuma. Dengan bangganya aku pun pergilah kaunter pelanggan dia untuk tanya. Alih-alih dari kaunter pelanggan itulah aku tahu yang sebenarnya, aku dah pun jadi ahli. Dan disebabkan ramai orang malam itu,salah seorang abang ini suruhlah aku datang kemudiannya untuk update poin tu. Dengan syarat,kena bawalah resit sekali. Baiklah.

Tadi,masa aku lalu depan kaunter pelanggan tu,aku tengok kosong tak ada pelanggan. Teringatkan resit lama..aku pun belek-belek dompet. Eh,ada lagi. Weeeee~~ huhu!Dompet aku memang banyak resit. Resit ATM, resit beli barang rumah, resit barang-barang yang aku bayar advance. Semualah. Aku pun dengan muka yang seronok macam monyet nak dapat bunga pergilah nak tanya. Ada 3 staf dekat situ. Kebetulan,lelaki yang sama yang kerja malam hari tu ada. Senang sikitlah kan.

Aku pergi terus dekat lelaki yang aku kenal tu. Thinking that he had been so professional and helful the other night. Seingat aku mukadimah yang aku bagi was fine and easy to understand. Tapi lelaki ini boleh pula tak pandang muka aku langsung even aku dah greet. Ok fine,he was working on something on the PC. Kawan dia yang lagi satu tu tolong jawabkan like,

"Sorry madam. We don't do that"

jadi akupun macam. Tak apalah. Memang salah akupun. Lelaki yang tu masih depan PC dia tapi dia dah bagi facial expression yang buat aku rasa mendidih dekat dalam. Bertenang Faridahanum. You have your own attitude!

"It's okay. Just that the other night I talked to him and he said that you guys can do it for me.So I just thought can do it. But,it's okay. Thank you" *smile*

Lelaki itu pun,dengan masih tak pandang aku, dan facial expression yang masih menjengkelkan, sempat mengeluh sedikit dan terus bercakap dalam bahasa yang aku tak faham. Oh tapi,nada tu aku sangat fahamlah kan..Kemudian,barulah nak pandang aku dengan muka yang masih tak menahan tu dan cakap

"I'll do it for you this time,madam"

Oh oh oh. Cukup cukup cukup. Aku dah tak tahan dengan muka jengkel kau tuh pakcik.[dan2 pakcik pulak.LOL]

"Hey hey look,now just tell me whether you guys can do it for me or not?" *suara tegas,bukan suara tinggi ya*

"No..we don't. But this time...." *muka oi muka tu memang nak kena,sambil tangan dia buat isyarat minta resit dan kad keahlian yang aku tengah pegang*

"That's it.It's okay. Thank you" *tegas,mungkin suara dah sedikit tinggi, tanpa senyuman seraya berkalih untuk pergi*

Pakcik tu sentap oh!Terus dia bangun dari kerusi dan mulalah

"Madam..madam..that is what I'm telling you,this time only...Madam..madam.."

Oh,kali ni giliran aku pula tak pandang pakcik tu. Aku angkat semua beg plastik tu, turned to him dan bagi ayat penutup

"No no.listen here.I AM NOT BEGGING YOU. Thank you" *berlalu pergi*

Maka ceritapun tamat.

Di sini,aku nak menyerulah kalian semua, kalau nak kerja tu, tolonglah baca dan faham garis panduan dan etika kerja sebaik-baiknya. Ayah aku pernah cakap, "tugas-tugas macam tu nampak remeh,tapi front liner ni la yang paling penting". Pada aku senang, ini bukan masalah customer always right whatever tu lah kan.Sebab ada je pelanggan TESCO yang buat kecoh semata-mata nak mintak diskaun sebab dah beli banyak baju macamlah TESCO tu pasar malam. Tapi dah memang tuntutan kerja kau macam tu.Tak ada sebab lainlah. Walau kau bagi alasan penat,gaduh dengan isteri ke ape ke. Professionalism taruh kat mana bai???

Kalau ikut sejarah, this wasn't the first time that sarcasm in me protrudes out. Makcik pejabat KMC pun pernah kena 2bulan sudah. Maaf,memang itu cara aku menangani perkara-perkara menjengkelkan dan tak memberi sebarang bantuan pun. Ayah ajar 3 perkataan yang sangat berkuasa 1.Sorry/maaf 2.Thank you/terimakasih 3.Please/tolong. Dan pada aku,kalau kau dapat sebut perkataan thank you tu dengan penuh sarcastic bersama body language dan facial expression yang membunuh,memang sumpah orang yang kena tu akan sentap.

Sesetengah doktor dan pensyarah yang menjengkelkan tu...macam mana pulak ek?

Tapi apa yang berlaku tadi aku ambil sebagai satu ikhtibar dan peringatan untuk diri sendiri supaya nanti bila jadi doktor,tak timbullah rasa riak berlagak. Minta dijauhkan.InsyaAllah.

Moral cerita :

Tak payahlah percaya dengan first impression segala bagai ini. Kalau guna aplikasi first impression ni untuk cari suami,alamat hancurlah rumahtangga.OK,apa kaitan?

Buat salah satu hal. Buat dengan tanpa rasa bersalah,satu hal lain. Lebih mudah, salah prescribe ubat boleh berlaku,tapi kalau kau salah prescribe ubat tu sebab kau sambil lewa saja attend patient tu....Sorry,tolong berambus,please?Thank you!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

< 196 > Disturbia

I'm disturbed.
And so I come here.TOINK!
And I write this.

Last semester. Sir Anand Menon took the class that day and he gave a brief introduction on Forensic Medicine. About what ForMed is concerning on blablabla. And he proceeded to further elaboration with something like "there's one English author who deals with Medical Jurisprudence in most of his books. In case you know.." He was looking directly to me,with his wrinkled forehead,forcibly refreshing his memory it seems, when I said, "John Grisham,sir?" He nodded, "Yes,Grisham,Grisham"

Last month. In Ballistic class, we were being taught of type of fire-arm and respective injuries they produce from variable distances. Sir Suresh Shetty wanted someone to do a presentation on one small topic known as Kennedy's phenomenon. Of course there will be no one volunteering since exam is approaching, that he finally had to appoint a student to do it. Then, he started asking about JFK ladidadida and the details of his murder which is obviously,has nothing to do with MBBS but I had swiftly answered that JFK is the 35th President of the US and that the murderer was Lee H.Oswald.

This morning. During the 3rd class of Sexual Jurisprudence by Sir Tanuj Kanchan [he is the coolest guy on Earth!LOL], we learned that traces of semen can remain upto years on paper,clothes,mattress etc. Then, he went on asking "Can you recall any high-profile case on the basis of this fact?" Long silence. No one answered. Taboo,maybe. I had one name in my head-Monica Lewinsky. And when Tanuj Sir asked the class again, "Do you people know Bill Clinton?", I couldn't help it but to smile widely. And on the next slide,there is a written quote "I'm a fortunate homosexual".Tanuj Sir asked us to make sense of the slide and since there's a pin-drop silence, I whispered to Rozek, Ricky Martin!HAHAHAHA!Sorry Sir,you can't catch me!

Those were the incidents in Forensic classes. Lets take a peek into Pharmacology classes.

Tutorial on steroids and Sir [I forgot his name,oh wait, I don't know his name actually] started with history on the usage of steroids. It actually became a hype when it was found to be used by an Olympic Gold Medallist back in 1988. As you expected, we were asked whether we know who was the sprinter. Someone confidently answered....Ben Johnson. And if you're reading this from the beginning,by now,you shall know who that someone is.TOINK!

Next. What Sigmund Freud has got to do with antipsychotic drugs?
What a Chicken Little question...Sigmund Freud is a psychoanalyst. I had been using his name quite a lot during my debating days.

There were many more questions answered by me in just a blink of an eye, but I'd better stop here before you people puke.

Why the hell on Earth I wrote a boastful post like this?

So you do think I'm bragging?

Oh well,I answered questions. I shall be proud of myself. Average students can do that,right?

I wish I can feel that way. But in reality,right now I feel !#!#$@#%^&$#@(&##
The truth are

-I failed to give the definition of Medical Jurisprudence during last sessional Viva-Voce.

-I can say that the only thing I know from Ballistics classes is that there are 2 types of fire-arm; short-gun and riffled fire-arm. And this knowledge spares me one mark only in the exam.

-I still can't tell you which section of Indian Penal Code [IPC] mentions about homosexuality, sodomy, rape, sexual assault, bestiality etc although the exam is nearing.

-From long list of corticosteoroids, I only know prednisolone....and methylprednisolone...

-Antipsychotics drugs???I can enumerate none of them.

I walk with a big capital L stamped on my forehead.
Naahhh,me being dramatic again.
But yeah,I'm such a loser.
I'm far below the average.Hurmphhhhh.

And somehow,I just feel like I don't belong here.

I want to be a doctor OR I'm a doctor-to-be OR I'm a doctor wannabe?